Manufacturing worker in factory | CNA Insurance

Insurance for Manufacturers

We provide flexible, tailored insurance for manufacturers, along with expert risk control solutions to help keep their manufacturing business running strong.

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From labor shortages and an aging workforce to additive manufacturing and automated processes, today’s manufacturers are constantly challenged with staying operationally efficient, competitive and profitable. And between their facility, equipment breakdowns, supplier or distributor problems, product transmission or liability or employee safety – nearly everything in the industry carries risk.


At CNA, we’re focused on the dynamic needs of manufacturers, from small to large. We provide a deep understanding of this advancing industry and our insurance for manufacturers covers Manufacturing Insurance, Difference in Conditions (DIC) Insurance, Shipping Insurance and Transit Insurance. We have the coverages and services manufacturers worldwide need to conduct their operations and maximize productivity.


More than 200 of our Risk Control professionals have been awarded the Recognized Risk Engineers (RRE) designation by UL, a leader in advancing safety. The RRE’s blend insurance coverage knowledge with Lean and Six Sigma® manufacturing principles to build tailored risk engineering solutions for policyholders. In fact, we're the only insurance carrier to have earned this distinction. With an A+ rating for financial strength (S&P), an established global presence, and vendor alliances and partnerships with trade associations and industry experts, we deliver the coverages any growing manufacturing business needs.


We also understand that business insurance isn't a manufacturer’s only concern. That's why our integrated, multinational platform offers manufacturing expertise across Underwriting, Claims and Risk Control as well as authority at the point of sale – to help businesses prepare for the manufacturing of tomorrow.



Our appetite for Commercial and Industrial products for traditional and advanced manufacturers includes:

  • Automotive components and accessories
  • Commercial electrical equipment or components
  • Fabricated metal
  • Industrial and commercial machinery and equipment or components
  • Plastic fabricators
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Resources to Manage and Reduce Risk

Our dedicated Risk Control team provides the deep expertise and distinct insights to help policyholders mitigate risk and protect their bottom line. We also provide helpful resources and educational programs.

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Dedicated Team of Claims Professionals

Explore our services designed to help manage claims, understand exposures, address potential losses and maintain business continuity.

Globe spinning fast | CNA Insurance


Global Capabilities for International Businesses

We support multinational organizations with complex local policy requirements through a vast network of strategic business partners and a state-of-the-art technology platform.