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Insurance for Professional Services Organizations

We offer Management & Professional Liability insurance solutions tailored to the unique exposures of private companies and not-for-profit organizations.

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Our Professional Risk Facilities program uses a simple, collaborative process to provide tailored Management & Professional Liability insurance solutions that address the specific needs of professional services organizations and wholesale distributors.


With compartmentalized coverage options that work together and don’t overlap, our Epack 3 form is clear, concise and easier to understand. It offers the flexibility to design the right coverage mix for unique Directors & Officers Liability, Employment Practices Liability, Fiduciary Liability, Crime, and Kidnap, Ransom & Extortion exposures.



CNA provides a comprehensive professional liability product offering for private companies and not-for-profit organizations with up to $1 billion in revenues and up to 2,500 employees. 
Our program is closely aligned with Specialty Management Liability’s Private Company and Miscellaneous Professional Liability business units for Epack Extra and Epack 3 policy forms.


In addition to a relatively broad appetite by industry and jurisdiction, our Professional Risk Facilities program offers:
  • Admitted insurance solutions include a coverage mix for Directors & Officers Liability, Employment Practices Liability, Fiduciary Liability, Crime, Errors & Omissions Liability, and Cyber
  • Non-admitted product offering for E&O insurance agents
  • Coverage can be tailored for the risk, as appropriate, and is written on a Primary or Excess basis
  • $5M limit capacity
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Resources to Manage and Reduce Risk
We provide helpful risk control resources and tools to help professional services organizations understand exposures and address potential losses. In addition to Epack 3®, we also offer a proactive program of cyber risk services, CNA CyberPrep, and a cyber liability policy, NetProtect360®, to keep businesses prepared. And if there is ever a data breach, our skilled Claims professionals are dedicated to working with policyholders, so everyone can remain focused on their business.